Thursday, October 31, 2019

Compassion Fatigue in Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Compassion Fatigue in - Essay Example In this case, a Compassion Fatigue Self-Test (CFST) consisting of thirty questions was administered to 500 public health nurses who could have been deployed to assist hurricane victims. These nurses were identified by the Florida State Department of Health (DOH). The commonest data collection methods used in survey research is questionnaires and interviews (Nieswiadomy, 2008). At first, the nurses were asked to go back in time and think of their hurricane experience and respond to the questionnaire based on those feelings. Secondly, they were requested to answer the same questionnaire based on their current feelings. The second responses were printed on a different colored paper in order to distinguish it from the initial. The participants had to rate the questions on a scale of how often they experienced that feeling or event. In this case, the Likert scale was used (1=rarely, 10=very often). The range of possible scores of the thirty questions would automatically be 30 to 300. The scores obtained from each issue are then added up to give a total score of (range from 173) and the risk level of compassion

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Statistic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Statistic - Essay Example Among the sample we questioned, a majority of them, 66.7% representing 20 individuals were of the opinion that type II diabetes mellitus is a dangerous disease. Only 1 subject represents a meager 3.3 of the total sample population disagreed. This indicates that diabetes mellitus, type II is feared by more than half of the population as a dangerous disease and only a significantly low proportion of the total population are of the opinion that the disease is not that dangerous. This information is well represented in the Table 1 below. The causes of type II diabetes were listed as genetic factors, obesity, a poor diet or, in some cases, vitamin D insufficiency. Consequently, the study sought to identify from the sample population what was their opinion on the cause of the diabetes among these four factors. Interestingly, more than half, 56.7%, representing 17 subjects in the sample linked type II diabetes to obesity. However, a few individuals linked the disease to a poor diet or genetic factors. It should be noted that vitamin D and poor diet may be intertwined since both have to do with one’s eating habits. In this regard, 30% of the subjects of this study linked these two factors to the disease. Therefore, inferring from these statistics, it is true that obesity leads as a major cause of type II diabetes mellitus with poor diet coming a distance second (see Table 2 below). Personal measures taken to prevent type II diabetes were also investigated in this study. These factors majored on habits/behaviors aimed at preventing type II diabetes, namely, exercise, diet, and enough sleep (sleeping early). Of the personal initiatives, 14 subjects, representing 46.7% of the survey subjects, exercised so as to curb the disease, whereas only 23.3% were of the opinion that sleeping early could prevent type II diabetes mellitus (see below Table 3, a pie chart

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes Introduction Carbon nanotubes are the allotops of carbon , they have a cylindrical nano structure. Nano structure are construct with a length to diameter ratio of 28000000:1 , this is significantly larger than any other material. They have many novel properties and are many useful in nanotechnology , electronics , optics , material science and architectural field. They have great strength and unique electrical properties . However their useusge is limited in day to day life because of their toxicity . includes the spherical bucky ball (c60). It is often see that end of nanotube are hemispherical buckyball structure . It is qurt intresting to know that the radius of a nanoube is approximately 1/50000of the human hair. The nature of the bonding of a nanotube is described by appling orbital hybridation . They have sp2 bonds as graphite have . Most single-walled nanotubes (SWNT) have diameter close to 1nanometer, with a tube length is many millions of times longer. The structure of a SWNT can be conceptualized by wrapping a one-atom-thick layer of graphite called graphene into a seamless cylinder. The way the graphene sheet is wrapped is represented by a pair of indices (n,m) called the chiral vector. The integersnandmdenote thenumber of unitvectoralong two directions in the honeycomb crystal latticeof graphene. Ifm= 0, the nanotubes are called zigzag. Ifn=m, the nanotubes are called armchair. Otherwise, they are called chiral. ( The (n,m) nanotube naming scheme can be thought of as a vector (Ch) in an infinite graphene sheet that describes how to roll up the graphene sheet to make the nanotube.Tdenotes the tube axis, anda1anda2are the unit vectors of graphene in real space.) Single-walled nanotubes exhibit electric properties that are not shared by the multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) . Single-walled nanotubes are the most likely candidate for miniaturizing electronics beyond the micro electromechanical scale currently used in electronics. The most basic building block of these systems is the electric wire, and SWNTs can be excellent conductors. Application of SWNTs are useful in the development of the first intramolecularfield effect transistor(FET). Production of the first intramolecularlogic gateusing SWNT FETs has recently become possible .To create a logic gate you must have both a p-FET and an n-FET. Because SWNTs are p-FETs when exposed to oxygen and n-FETs otherwise, it is possible to protect half of an SWNT from oxygen exposure, while exposing the other half to oxygen. This results in a single SWNT that acts as a NOT logic gate with both p and n-type FETs within the same molecule. Single-walled nanotubes are still very expensive to produce, around $1500 per gram as of 2000, and the development of more affordable synthesis techniques is vital to the future of carbon nanotechnology. If cheaper means of synthesis cannot be discovered, it would make it financially impossible to apply this technology to commercial-scale applications. Multi-walled nanotubes (MWNT) consist of multiple rolled layers (concentric tubes) of graphite. There are two models which can be used to describe the structures of multi-walled nanotubes. Russai doll model, sheets of graphite are arranged in concentric cylinders, e.g. a (0,8) single-walled nanotube (SWNT) within a larger (0,10) single-walled nanotube. In theParchamenmodel, a single sheet of graphite is rolled in around itself, resembling a scroll of parchment or a rolled newspaper. The interlayer distance in multi-walled nanotubes is close to the distance between graphene layers in graphite, approximately 3.3 Ã…. The special place of double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNT) must be emphasized here because their morphology and properties are similar to SWNT but their resistance to chemicals is significantly improved. This is especially important when functionalizationis required (this means grafting of chemical functions at the surface of the nanotubes) to add new properties to the CNT. In the case of SWNT, covalent functionalization will break some C=C, leaving holes in the structure on the nanotube and thus modifying both its mechanical and electrical properties. In the case of DWNT, only the outer wall is modified. DWNT synthesis on the gram-scale was first proposed in 2003by the CCVD technique, from the selective reduction of oxide solutions in methane and hydrogen. A nanotorus is theoretically described as carbon nanotube bent into atorus(doughnut shape). Nanotori are predicted to have many unique properties, such as magnetic moments 1000 times larger than previously expected for certain specific radii. Properties such as magnet moment, thermal stability etc. vary widely depending on radius of torus. Carbon nanobudare a newly created material combining two previously discovered allotropes of carbon: carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. In this new material fullerene-like buds are covalently bonded to the outer sidewalls of the underlying carbon nanotube. This hybrid material has useful properties of both fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. In particular, they have been found to be exceptionally good field emitters. In composite materials, the attached fullerene molecules may function as molecular anchors preventing slipping of the nanotubes, thus improving the composites mechanical properties. Strength Carbon nanotubes are the strongest and stiffest materials yet discovered in terms oftensil strenghtandelectic modulas respectively. This strength results from the covalent sp ² bonds formed between the individual carbon atoms. In 2000, a multi-walled carbon nanotube was tested to have a tensile strength of 63gigapascal(GPa). (This, for illustration, translates into the ability to endure tension of 6300kg on a cable with cross-section of 1mm2.) Since carbon nanotubes have a low density for a solid of 1.3 to 1.4g ·cm−3,itsspecific strenghtof up to 48,000kN ·m ·kg−1is the best of known materials, compared to high-carbon steels 154kN ·m ·kg−1. Under excessive tensile strain, the tubes will undergoplastic deformation, which means the deformation is permanent. This deformation begins at strains of approximately 5% and can increase the maximum strain the tubes undergo before fracture by releasing strain energy. CNTs are not nearly as strong under compression. Because of their hollow structure and high aspect ratio, they tend to undergobuckingwhen placed under compressive, torsional or bending stress. Kinetic Multi-walled nanotubes, multiple concentric nanotubes precisely nested within one another, exhibit a striking telescoping property whereby an inner nanotube core may slide, almost without friction, within its outer nanotube shell thus creating an atomically perfect linear or rotational bearing. This is one of the first true examples ofmolecular nanotechnology, the precise positioning of atoms to create useful machines. Already this property has been utilized to create the worlds smallest rotationalmotor. Future applications such as a gigahertz mechanical oscillator are also envisaged. Because of the symmetry and unique electronic structure of graphene, the structure of a nanotube strongly affects its electrical properties. For a given (n,m) nanotube, ifn=m, the nanotube is metallic; ifn−mis a multiple of 3, then the nanotube is semiconducting with a very small band gap, otherwise the nanotube is a moderatesemiconductor. Thus all armchair (n=m) nanotubes are metallic, and nanotubes (5,0), (6,4), (9,1), etc. are semiconducting. In theory, metallic nanotubes can carry an electrical current density of 4 Ãâ€" 109A/cm2which is more than 1,000 times greater than metals such ascopper . All nanotubes are expected to be very goodthermal conductorsalong the tube, exhibiting a property known as ballistic conductor, but good insulators laterally to the tube axis. It is which transmits 385 W ·m−1 ·K−1. The temperature stability of carbon nanotubes is estimated to be up to 2800 °C invacuumand about 750 °C in air. Potential and current applications The joining of two carbon nanotubes with different electrical properties to form adiodehas been proposed The strength and flexibility of carbon nanotubes makes them of potential use in controlling other nanoscale structures, which suggests they will have an important role innanotechnologyengineering. The highest tensile strength an individual multi-walled carbon nanotube has been tested to be is 63GPa. In electrical circuits Carbon nanotubes have many properties—from their unique dimensions to an unusual currentconductonmechanism—that make them ideal components of electrical circuits. For example, they have shown to exhibit strong electron-phonon resonances, which indicate that under certain direct current (DC) bias and doping conditions their current and the average electron velocity, as well as the electron concentration on the tube oscillate at terahertz frequencies[. These resonances could potentially be used to make terahertz sources or sensors. Nanotube based tranistorhave been made that operate at room temperature and that are capable of digital switching using a single electron. One major obstacle to realization of nanotubes has been the lack of technology for mass production. However, in 2001 IBM researchers demonstrated how nanotube transistors can be grown in bulk, somewhat like silicon transistors. Their process is called constructive destruction which includes the automatic destruction of defective nanotubes on thewafer. The IBM process has been developed further and single-chip wafers with over ten billion correctly aligned nanotube junctions have been created. In addition it has been demonstrated that incorrectly aligned nanotubes can be removed automatically using standardphotolithoraphy equipment. The first nanotube integrated memory circuit was made in 2004. One of the main challenges has been regulating the conductivity of nanotubes. Depending on subtle surface features a nanotube may act as a plainconductoror as a semiconductor. A fully automated method has however been developed to remove non-semiconductor tubes. Most recently, collaborating American and Chinese researchers at Duke University and Peking University announced a new CVD recipe involving a combination of ethanol and methanol gases and quartz substrates resulting in horizontally aligned arrays of 95-98% semiconducting nanotubes. This is considered a large step towards the ultimate goal of producing perfectly aligned, 100% semiconducting carbon nanotubes for mass production of electronic devices. Another way to make carbon nanotube transistors has been to use random networks of them. By doing so one averages all of their electrical differences and one can produce devices in large scale at the wafer level.This approach was first patented by Nanomix Inc (date of original application June 2002). It was first published in the academic literature by theusa navel reacherch labority in 2003 through independent research work. This approach also enabled Nanomix to make the first transistor on a flexible and transparent substrate. Nanotubes are usually grown on nanoparticles of magnetic metal (Fe, Co), which facilitates production of electronic (spinotic) devices. In particular control of current through a field-effect transistor by magnetic field has been demonstrated in such a single-tube nanostructure. Large structures of carbon nanotubes can be used for thermal management of electronic circuits. An approximately 1mm-thick carbon nanotube layer was used as a special material to fabricate coolers, this materials has very low density, ~20 times lower weight than a similar copper structure, while the cooling properties are similar for the two materials. As paper batteries Apaper battery is abatteryengineered to use a paper-thin sheet ofcellulose (which is the major constituent of regular paper, among other things) infused with alignedcarbon nanotubes .The nanotubes act aselectrods; allowing the storage devices to conduct electricity. The battery, which functions as both a lithium-ion battery and asupercapacitor can provide a long, steady power output comparable to a conventional battery, as well as a supercapacitors quick burst of high energy—and while a conventional battery contains a number of separate components, the paper battery integrates all of the battery components in a single structure, making it more energy efficient. Solar cells Solar cells developed at the new jerrsyinstitute of technology use a carbon nanotube complex, formed by a mixture of carbon nanotubes and carbonbulkyball to form snake-like structures. Buckyballs trap electrons, although they cant make electrons flow. Add sunlight to excite thepolymer, and the buckyballs will grab the electrons. Nanotubes, behaving like copper wires, will then be able to make the electrons or current flow. Ultracapacitors Mit uses nanotubes to improveultracapicator. The activated charcoal used in conventional ultracapacitors has many small hollow spaces of various size, which create together a large surface to store electric charge. But as charge is quantized into elementary charges, i.e. electrons, and each such elementary charge needs a minimum space, a significant fraction of the electrode surface is not available for storage because the hollow spaces are not compatible with the charges requirements. With a nanotube electrode the spaces may be tailored to size—few too large or too small—and consequently the capacity should be increased considerably Optical properties of carbon nanotubes Withinmaterial science, theoptical properties of carbon nanotubesrefer specifically to theabosorbtion,photoluminesence, andRaman spectroscopyofcarbon nanotubes. Spectroscopic methods offer the possibility of quick and non-destructive characterization of relatively large amounts ofcarbon nanotubes. There is a strong demand for such characterization from the industrial point of view: numerous parameters of thenanotube synthesiscan be changed, intentionally or unintentionally, to alter the nanotube quality. As shown below, optical absorption, photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopies allow quick and reliable characterization of this nanotube quality in terms of non-tubular carbon content, structure (chirality) of the produced nanotubes, and structural defects. Those features determine nearly any other properties such as optical, mechanical, and electrical properties. carbonnanotubesare unique one dimensional systems which can be envisioned as rolled single sheets ofgraphite(or more preciselygraphene). This rolling can be done at different angles and curvatures resulting in different nanotube properties. The diameter typically varies in the range 0.4-40nm (i.e. only ~100 times), but the length can vary ~10,000 times reaching 4cm. Thus the nanotubeaspect ratio, or the length-to-diameter ratio, can be as high as 28,000,000:1,which is unequalled by any other material. Consequently, all the properties of the carbon nanotubes relative to those of typical semiconductors are extremelyanisotropic(directionally dependent) and tunable. Whereas mechanical, electrical and electrochemical (superconductor) properties of the carbon nanotubes are well established and have immediateappplications, the practical use of optical properties is yet unclear. The aforementioned tunability of properties is potentially useful in opticsandphotonics. In particular, light-emitting diodes (LEDs)photo-dectors ased on a single nanotube have been produced in the lab. Their unique feature is not the efficiency, which is yet relatively low, but the narrow selectivity in the wavelenghtof emission and detection of light and the possibility of its fine tuning through the nanotube structure. In addition,bolometerand optoelectronic memorydevices have been realised on ensembles of single-walled carbon nanotubes.[2] Carbon nanotubes as a black body An idealblack bodyshould haveemissivityorabsorbanceof 1.0, which is difficult to attain in practice, especially in a wide spectra range. Vertically aligned forests of single-wall carbon nanotubes can have absorbances of 0.98-0.99 from thefar-ultraviolet(200nm) tofar-infrared(200ÃŽ ¼m) frequencies.Super black, a coating based on chemically etched nicle-phopsphoras alloy, is another material approaching the absorption of 1.0. These SWNT forests (buckypaper) were grown by the super-growth CVD method to about 10 ÃŽ ¼m height. Two factors could contribute to strong light absorption by these structures: (i) a distribution of CNT chiralities resulted in various bandgaps for individual CNTs. Thus a compound material was formed with broadband absorption. (ii) Light might be trapped in those forests due to multiple reflections Nanotubes As Space Elevators A space elevator would extend 22,000 miles above the Earth to a station, and then another 40,000 miles to a weighted structure for stability Scientists from Cambridge University have developed a light, flexible, and strong type of carbon nanotube material that may bring space elevators closer to reality. Motivated by a $4 million prize from NASA, the scientists found a way to combine multiple separate nanotubes together to form long strands. Until now, carbon nanotubes have been too brittle to be formed into such long pieces.[3] Conclusion Carbon nano tubes are very important material and are precious in day to day life , space research, nanotechnology , telecommunication , optics etc. However they are still not been used in their full extent because they are very expensive and are toxic in nature. We have to somehow find a cheap source of carbon nanotubes in the future.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Comparison And Contrast Of The Supernaturals Active Role In The Liv :: essays research papers

A Comparison and Contrast of the Supernatural's Active Role in the Lives of Mary Rowlandson and Benjamin Franklin The literature written during this time period reflects the important part the supernatural (God) played during those changing times. The new world was struggling for a new identity. Were these individuals also defining the role of God to themselves? In the preceding discussion the lives of Mary Rowlandson and Benjamin Franklin will be discussed. Each wrote a narrative of their life experiences. There are marked contrasts and comparisons between these two individuals related to their perceptions of God. Religion was a vital part of life in colonial America. A shift from theism to deism was occurring. The Puritans of this time were fleeing the Church of England. Their hope was to return to the more primitive ways, to reject the churches hierarchy and ritual. Mary Rowlandson, a puritan in Lancaster, Massachusetts was captured by Indians, along with three of her children in the year 1676. In her narrative she relates the story of her survival in the wilderness for a period of three months. She is taken away from her home and husband, "all was gone (except my life); and I knew not but the next moment that might go too" (127). Benjamin Franklin's The Autobiography is an account of his life and begins with his boyhood life in Boston. He later flees to Philadelphia to escape his brother's rule over him. He relates how he was "dirty", "fatigu'd", and "Want of Rest" (222). In these depictions we can see an analogy. These individuals are removed from their homes and families. Although Benjamin Franklin's removal was of his own free will. They each suffered as they no longer had the comforts of which they were accustomed. Rowlandson's faith was remarkable considering all that she endured. Through out the narrative she must rely on her faith in God. She incorporates numerous verses from the Bible to offer explanations for all that she has suffered, "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say on the Lord" (129). It is also noted that she was able to use her trade to survive, "knitting a pair of white cotton stockings for my mistress"(130). This is also a parallel to Franklin in that he also used his trade to survive. But one must ask what is motivating Rowlandson? Is she writing for posterity or is she merely egocentric? Rowlandson has depicted herself as the ultimate Puritan. Was the glory to God or to herself? She also relates here "how many Sabbaths I had lost and misspent" (128).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Delivering Learning and Development Activities Essay

The aim of the lesson plan (above) was to provide employees the knowledge and skills to draft a quality CV. Typically, employees are not familiar with how the recruitment process works, and are even less versed in drafting a CV. Many have not felt the need to apply for new roles in the past due to the security and comfort of the roles at that time. This was also confirmed from the output of the CV Workshop Pre-Assessment that were sent out and returned. The organisation has recognised this and has created a learning programme to support the individuals. Lesson Plans 1 & 2 (above) are two  half day sessions that give employees an understanding of the importance of the CV and how to create a quality draft. This is followed by the individuals’ line managers. A further two day covers interview techniques to complete the programme. Designing and delivering the session was all about the preparation. It was important to understand the audience and make it meaningful for them â€⠀œ showing â€Å"what was in it for them†. Understanding the concept of andragogy was an important factor in determining whether the sessions would be successful – would the individuals behave like prisoners, passengers or participants? Would they have barriers to learning: negativity in motivation and application? Individuals actually behaved liked participants which actually made the session more enjoyable. None of them (as captured in the pre-assessment forms) had any recent experience of writing a CV, which made the session more relevant for them. The size of the room was sufficient to accommodate the number of delegates, and it made the breakout session more intimate. The facilities were sufficient to display the PowerPoint pack as well as accommodating use of flipchart paper for the breakout session. They were asked to ensure mobile phones were switched off to prevent interruptions which break flow & concentration. Creating a positive environment in preparation and anticipation of prisoners, passengers or participants was essential. I set the scene by acknowledging and showing empathy that I understood that this is a difficult time for all of the delegates but that I was there to give them the tools and techniques to help them build a quality CV, which would ultimately help in finding a new role. I outlined what the aims and objectives were and how this session fit in with the remaining programme, to give individuals assurances that they were in professional hands. I underlined my credibility in delivering the session, having worked in recruitment in the past, as well as having recruited heavily as a line manager, therefore being well versed in knowing what a good CV looks like, having read and reviewed many over the years. I explained that we’d cover off, as a group, what was currently known about writing CVs and by the end, the group would be able to differentiate between a good and poor CV, so they could visualise what the outcome would be. I introduced a breakout session – an activity to get them actively thinking and collaborating with each other, so they felt part of the solution and in control of their own destiny. This also worked well as an icebreaker. I’ve  gave them guidelines and techniques to use, and provided supporting material (CV Workshop hand-outs, Action Verbs hand-outs and a CV template) so they could use as references and tools after the session. Open questions were used to check understanding. Feedba ck was sought in two forms – formative (CV Workshop Pre-Assessment) and summative (evaluation forms, open questions and ‘homework’ to draft a CV). The pre-assessment was used to tailor the session, effectively being very explicit or â€Å"spelling out† each point of writing a CV. Questions were asked as feedback throughout to ensure delegates fully understood each point. Good responses were recognised and acknowledged, and corrective feedback was provided for incorrect responses. To improve my performance, I have reviewed the feedback and will introduce a working example of what a good CV looks like. I will get each of the delegates to reiterate and share the key learning they would take away at the end of the session to help reinforce in their minds what they have learned and make it real for them. I will also make a bit more use of the room – â€Å"owning it† by walking around to show authority and more importantly, observing more closely (e.g. at the breakout session).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Catastrophic Predictions Essay

The most recent predictions were observed on the date December 21, 2012; for which the Mayan calendar ran out. Other prediction statements involved the earth being centered in the middle of the Milky Way and the planets becoming lined in such a manner that would affect the earth’s polarity. There have been a countless amount of catastrophic disaster predictions foretold for many years. Even some famous individuals like Nostradamus have made predictions that caused panic and havoc amongst believers. Incidentally, most predictions are challenged by scientist; to prove that they are truly false statements and can be provide evidence against them. So, why do we want to assume the worst before hearing all the facts? Catastrophic predictions for December 21, 2012; expressed the concerns that doomsday or Armageddon were at hand. Two of the most popular predictions were the Mayan calendar and the planetary alignment. Between the two predictions several individuals have derived a conclusion; that on a certain date changes in our earth’s astrological makeup will be involved in changing our lives. Now, does that mean the end of time as we know it or just an event which occurs in cycles? In the course of scientific evaluations; each element has been logically examined to provide answers to contradict the beliefs that these predictions will be the end of times. Scientists and historians working together can explain the prediction of the ancient calendar of the Mayans. The Mayan calendar is about to end its cycle and the new beginning arrives on December 21, 2012. Doomsday believers feel that the Mayan’s stone calendar is the real thing this time. These believers feel that the government is withholding the truth. In fact, the Mayan calendar differs from our current system that we use today. Our calendar holds only twelve months per cycle year. The Mayan calendar is often referred to as the Calendar Round. â€Å"The Calendar Round covers a time period equal to 52 solar years or 73 ritual years. The time is significant because in every Calendar Round all the possible combinations of haab and tzolkin cycles will have been experienced and they will re-synchronize at the same starting point (Bellenir, 2004).† Scientific explanations for this prediction of the end of days show that it has been misunderstood by many individuals. Basically, the haab cycle consist of eighteen months of twenty days per month and an additional five days at the end of the cycle (Lewin , 2011). Each day in the haab months is given a name from the tzolkin list. It is similar to our list of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The exception is that the zolkin list has unique names for each one of the twenty days. Evidence dated during a prior Mayan calendar ending cycle has been found. The theory of climate change could be observed in the discovery. Scientists are researching what seems to be a plant that once lived during a previous Mayan calendar cycle. â€Å"5,200-year-old plants flash frozen. Millennia ago when the last great calendar cycle of the Mayan came to an end, rapid climate change shook up the world and devastated habitats (PR Newswire Association LLC, 2009).† Could there be other evidence that has yet to be found to show what happens during that cycle? Certainly, there will need to be more studies done, but until then, individuals will express their own beliefs and opinions regarding the predictions using the Mayan Calendar. â€Å"The planetary alignment with Earth suddenly at the center of the Milky Way in 2012 — causing untold destruction as the earth’s crust ruptures, seas swamp our coastlines, volcanoes erupt and continental fault lines shatter (Machosky, 2009).† Can planetary alignment really cause the Earth’s magnetic poles to reverse and cause havoc across the planet? Disasters that maybe experienced from such an alignment could result from environmental changes. Followers of this prediction feel that we are already experiencing effects with the Earth’s weather elements and the earthquakes felt around the planet. The polar ice cap is still melting at a slow rate. Could this cause the water level to rise in areas if the poles reverse? Scientists and meteorologists feel that this prediction has will not cause any catastrophic disaster for us. The equinoxes (and solstices) has caused concerns and is often misunderstood when this cycle event happens. â€Å"The Sun is not a pinpoint object and takes some time to cross the galactic equator; they coincide once a year for several years (Stuart, 2011).† Winter solstice was observed on December 21, 2012; which is when the Sun has reached its furthest southern point and starts heading a northerly direction. â€Å"A few days before and after the winter solstice, the change is so slight that the Sun’s path seems to stay the same, or stand still (Yankee Publishing, Inc., 2012).† Does this mean it is a sign of a catastrophic event? No, this happens all the time and our Earth has no drastic affect. Individuals can often seek more reliable proof through specialist. Even the best scholars and scientists will often bump heads during their investigation period of a prediction. The difference between the two groups of specialists is the way they use the â€Å"results base factor†. Scholars will derive their material from proven result factors; along with any theory that is applicable. Scientists mainly need to have actual facts for a proven base result. Both will probe at the task, until satisfied in their findings. It would be hard to keep any catastrophic disaster a secret. Why would they? They have just as much to lose as everyone else if the Earth was going to be in harm’s way. If we take a look back at some of the famous writings of Nostradamus and his prediction materials we would find encoded messages; which have been studied by other scholars even today. â€Å"Nostradamus’s deeply arcane approach; including obscure astrological methods and the use of an esoteric code known as the â€Å"Green Language† (Abbott, Gold, & Rotella, 2000).† Nostradamus did not make it easy to read his predictions and for many years individuals have tried to break the code. His followers believe that much of Nostradamus’s predictions have already happened and that he was gifted with the sight of true predictions. Furthermore, the slightest misdirection or code breaking could result in a false statement predicting that the end is near. Who should we believe when it comes to the facts that a catastrophic disaster is coming our way? Many movies have been created with different outcomes of a catastrophic disaster. Each film is pointing the finger; that we are not prepared enough. The government is in control on the way things will be handled during a catastrophic disaster, even in the moves. We can feel confident that our government would inform us that the world was in danger. They would even have a plan set in place just for such an event. Many individuals have even started their own game plan for action during doomsday. Preparing for any expecting disaster is often taken seriously by individuals believing that the predictions are about to come true. Some believers handle it in different ways; for example: they might have planned to attend a celebration party. Others may celebrate the passing event in private settings. If this sounds familiar, it should because that is what they did on the Millennium (2000). A brief reminder of that prediction was that computers were not going to work. Which turned out to be just a small programming issue and computers still work today. Many bank account customers rushed to withdrew funds; in fear that their money would be lost. What are we afraid of? Is it the not knowing what? Or could it be the not knowing when a disaster will occur that has many getting ready ahead of time? Those individuals who believe in the disaster will shift into a survival mode. Survival supplies are stockpiled for the long duration of the event. The amount of supplies depends on the individual’s needs and type of disaster being observed. Water is one of the major items on the list; both for drinking and cleaning needs. Using special care not to store plastic bottles of water in direct sunlight; for research is still pending on the harm from toxicants produced during prolonged sun exposures (Rogers, 2012). Food and medical supplies are another demand on a stockpile list for survival of a disaster. Having a list ahead of time can help keeping track of the inventory. In addition, individuals may take it even future by seeking out a place to hold out until the disaster is over. Underground shelters have been designed and are in place for safety measures; at a high purchase price. Believers in the catastrophic prediction will gladly spend money on solid, reinforced, deep underground shelters; designed to withstand most disasters. These shelters are equipped with electrical power or self-contained with solar power. The price range depends on the size verse the structure. â€Å"Diameters of 8†², 9†², 10†², 11†² 12†² x 20†² to 50†² lengths are available on custom orders. Prices start at $49,900 (Atlas Survival Shelters, 2012).† This example is for the shelter itself; the property cost is additional. Shelter manufacturers have different floor plans to choose from, remember the buyer could be living in it for a long time. It depends on what you believe in; there is another type of believer and they will reach for the heavens in time of need. Religious communities will often come together to make peace. In times of despair many churches will have gatherings for prayer so members can join together with each other. Past religious cults even had predictions that their group called â€Å"Heaven’s Gate† of 1997 was to meet with a spaceship. That prediction cost thirty nine individuals their lives. Of course, no spaceship ever arrived for them.The news media was quick to report this sad event; massive suicides are common when misadvised individuals want to believe what someone tells them. Once the danger passes the due date; how do we react finding it was indeed another false statement? Some individuals start to unpack their underground shelter and others may keep it ready for the next prediction. While others just feel like it is another day; glad that they disbelieved in the predictions. Everyone has a choice to believe or disbelieve in the predictions. We should be able to give more thought into the research results of specialists; for indeed there are more explanations in favor of nothing going to happen. Another perfect example has passed by on â€Å"December 21, 2012† for the outcome has been proven that in view of the scientific spectrum no evidence occurred that put us in danger of existence. Future false statements will be tested each time by professionals and facts will be shared openly to us all. Giving us a safe and secure feeling to continue our daily lives; until next time. References Abbott, C., Gold, S. F., & Rotella, M. (2000). 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